Breed 1st Generation Dam / 2nd Generation Racehorse in Stud Farm (Mint / Sell)

  • Breed 1st Generation Dam and/or 2nd Generation Racehorse in Stud Farm and mint / sell.

  1. Go to Eden Horse Website and connect MetaMask.

  2. Click Stud Farm.

  3. Choose 1st Generation Dam / 2nd Generation Racehorse you want to breed.

  4. Choose 1 of the 4 sires foundation owns to breed with.

  5. Click 'Breed'. (Breeding Fee: 0.107 ETH/ Gas fee not included)

  6. Please wait while the breeding is progressing and do not close the page until breeding is completed.

  7. Choose to own (mint) or sell it on marketplace.

  8. Click Rebreed (charges 200 ELT) if you wish to breed again.

Own The Racehorse

What is the difference between to own and to sell 2nd & 3rd Generation after breeding?

Last updated