Silver Eden Horse Ticket Request Withdrawal

Silver Eden Horse Ticket

Horse owner will receive this ticket when racehorse wins. Horse owner then request withdrawal using this ticket to get ETH. It also can be used as General Eden Horse Ticket for betting.

  • You can request withdrawal on the last day of every month

  • Unable to withdraw below 77 Tickets

  • Service fee 5%

Request Withdrawal

Go to Eden Horse APP

  • Click MY

  • Click Gold Eden Horse Sell Ticket

  • Gold and Silver 1 Ticket = 1 USDT -> withdraw -> ETH SWAP

  1. Click Withdraw

  1. Choose amount you want to withdraw > Click Submit

  1. Search Result > Check the progress of withdrawal

  • Pending: Withdrawal request pending to be approved

  • Approved: Request has been approved

  • Rejected: Request has been rejected

Last updated