Eden Horse Game Download

For PC (BlueStacks)

Download BlueStacks

  1. Go to BlueStacks > Click 'Download'

  1. Click Download icon and click BlueStacks Installer

  1. Click Install now

  1. BlueStacks download completed

  1. Click System apps > Click Play Store

  1. Click Sign in

  1. Insert e-mail > Click Next > Enter Password > Click Next

  1. Click I agree

  1. Google will then ask you to create a backup on Google Drive

If you wish to do so, keep it turned ON, otherwise turn it Off by clicking on the slider, as shown below Then, click on "Accept" to start using Google services on BlueStacks

Download Game

  1. Go to https://edenhorse.net/ > Click GAME START DOWNLOAD

  1. Click download icon > click edenhorse-dist-xxx.apk

  1. Wait for loading > Click EDEN HORSE icon

  1. Insert Eden Horse account e-mail and password > Click Sign in

  1. Click Eden Horse icon on desktop to play.

For Mobile (Android)

Android Only (IOS Not Available)

Download Game

  1. Go to https://edenhorse.net/ > Click GAME START DOWNLOAD

  1. Wait while file is downloading > Click open once file downloaded

  1. Click edenhorse-dist-xxx.apk > Click Settings > Enable Chrome

  1. Click Install > Click Install anyway > Wait while installing

  1. Click Open > Insert email & password > Click Sign in

  1. Click Eden Horse icon to play

Last updated